# LangWatch
# FILE: ./introduction.mdx
title: Introduction
Welcome to LangWatch, the all-in-one [open-source](https://github.com/langwatch/langwatch) LLMops platform.
LangWatch allows you to track, monitor, guardrail and evaluate your LLMs apps for measuring quality and alert on issues.
For domain experts, it allows you to easily sift through conversations, see topics being discussed and annotate and score messages
for improvement in a collaborative manner with the development team.
For developers, it allows you to debug, build datasets, prompt engineer on the playground and
run batch evaluations or [DSPy experiments](./dspy-visualization/quickstart) to continuously improve the product.
Finally, for the business, it allows you to track conversation metrics and give full user and quality analytics, cost tracking, build
custom dashboards and even integrate it back on your own platform for reporting to your customers.
You can [sign up](https://app.langwatch.ai/) and already start the integration on our free tier by following the guides bellow:
You can also [open the demo project](https://app.langwatch.ai/demo) check out a [video](https://www.loom.com/share/17f827b1f5a648298779b36e2dc959e6) on our platform.
## Get in touch
Feel free to reach out to us directly at [support@langwatch.ai](mailto:support@langwatch.ai). You can also open a [GitHub issue](https://github.com/langwatch/langwatch/issues)
to report bugs and request features, or join our [Discord](https://discord.gg/kT4PhDS2gH) channel and ask questions directly for the community and the core team.
# FILE: ./concepts.mdx
title: Concepts
Understanding LangWatch concepts can be made easier with two practical examples: an AI travel assistant and a tool for generating blog posts. Let's dive into how each core concept of LangWatch applies to these examples.
Imagine you've created an AI travel assistant that helps users plan their trips by conversing with them to suggest destinations, find the best prices for flights, and assist with bookings. On the other hand, you also have a platform that assists users in generating, and refining blog posts, including SEO optimization.
### Threads
Field: `thread_id`
A **thread** in the context of the AI travel assistant represents a complete conversation, that is, the group of all traces. It's the entire chat that groups all back-and-forth messages as the user inquires about different aspects of their travel plan. For the blog post tool, a thread could be for example the creation process of a new blog post, encapsulating all interactions that contribute to its completion—from headline generation to the final SEO adjustments.
### Traces
Field: `trace_id`
A **trace** in the travel assistant's example is each distinct message, for example when a user asks for the best prices for a destination, or asks if pets are allowed in the hotel.
In the blog post tool case, a trace could be for example each time a new generation of a catchy headline option happens, or the generation of a draft for the body, or the SEO keywords generation.
It does not matter how many steps are inside, each trace is a full end-to-end generation handled by the AI.
The `trace_id` is by default randomly generated if you don't provide one, however, to keep control of your traces and connect them to events like [Thumbs Up/Down](./user-events/thumbs-up-down), we recommend generating a random id on your side, using, for example the [nanoid](https://pypi.org/project/nanoid/) library.
### Spans
Field: `span_id`
Within each trace, **spans** represent the individual steps taken to achieve the outcome. In the travel bot scenario, a span could be a call to the LLM to suggest potential destinations, another span for querying the airline price API, and a final span for formatting the response to present to the user. For the blog post tool, one span might be the initial text generation, followed by a subsequent span for LLM to self-critiquing the content, and another span for the third LLM call refining the text based on the critique.
### User ID
Field: `user_id`
The **user id** identifies the ID of the final user of the product. In the context of both the AI travel assistant and the tool for generating blog posts, it's the ID that identifies the person using the app, usually their user account ID, this allows LangWatch to track how end users are using the product.
### Customer ID
Field: `customer_id`
The **customer id** is used when you provide a platform for your customers to build LLM apps for their end users. For example, it would be if your are building a platform that allow _others_ to build AI assistants for _their_ users. Having the **customer id** allows LangWatch to group all metrics and messages per customer, which allows you to access LangWatch data through our APIs to build a custom analytics dashboard for your customers, so they can see how their own LLM assistants are behaving.
### Labels
Field: `labels`
You can use **labels** to organize and compare the traces sent to LangWatch for any comparison you want to do. You can for example apply different labels for different actions, for example a label `blogpost_title` for generating the blog post title and another `blogpost_keywords`, for generating keywords. You can use it for versioning as well, for example label the first implementation
version as `v1.0.0`, then do a prompt engineering to improve the AI travel planner itenerary builder, and label it as `v1.0.1`. This way you can easily focus on each different functionality or compare versions on LangWatch dashboard.
# FILE: ./integration/overview.mdx
Integrating LangWatch into your projects is designed to be a straightforward process. Regardless of the language or LLM model you are using, you can set up LangWatch with minimal configuration and start gathering valuable insights into your LLM's performance and user interactions.
# FILE: ./integration/python/reference.mdx
title: Python SDK Reference
sidebarTitle: Reference
This page contains the low-level reference for the Python SDK components, for guide on integrating LangWatch into your Python project, see [Python Integration Guide](/integration/python/guide).
## Trace
The trace is the basic unit of work in LangWatch. It is a collection of spans that are grouped together to form a single unit of work, you can create a trace in three manners:
import langwatch
# As a decorator:
def my_function():
# As a context manager
with langwatch.trace():
# As a function
trace = langwatch.trace()
All three ways will create the same trace objects, but for the last one you manually need to call `trace.deferred_send_spans()` or `trace.send_spans()` to send the spans to the LangWatch API.
The first two will also set the trace to the context, which you can retrieve by:
trace = langwatch.get_current_trace()
Both on the trace creation function and `.update()` you can set trace_id, metadata and api_key to be used by the trace.
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| :-------- | :--- | :---------- |
| trace_id | `str` | The trace id to use for the trace, a random one is generated by default, but you can also pass your own to connect with your internal message id if you have it. |
| metadata | `dict` | The object holding metadata for the trace, it contains a few fields listed below. |
| metadata.user_id | `str` | The user id that is triggering the generation on your LLM pipeline |
| metadata.thread_id | `str` | A thread id can be used to virtually group together all the different traces in a single thread or workflow |
| metadata.labels | `list[str]` | A list of labels to categorize the trace which you can use to filter on later on LangWatch dashboard, trigger evaluations and alerts |
| api_key | `str` | The api key to use for the trace, can be set to override the LANGWATCH_API_KEY environment variable. |
## Span
A Span is a single unit of work in a trace, it is the smallest unit of work in LangWatch. Similar to traces, you can create it in three different manners:
import langwatch
# As a decorator
def my_function():
# As a context manager
with langwatch.span():
# As a function
span = langwatch.span()
All three ways will create the same span objects, but for the last one you need to manually end the span by calling `span.end()`, which may also take parameters for updating the span data:
The first two will also set the span to the context, which you can retrieve by:
span = langwatch.get_current_span()
By default, when the span is created it becomes the child of the current span in context, but you can also explicitly create a children span from a trace or from another span by initiating them from the parent, for example:
trace = langwatch.trace() # or langwatch.get_current_trace()
# Direct child of the trace
span = trace.span(name="child")
# Child of another span, granchild of the trace
subspan = span.span(name="grandchild")
Both on the span creation function, `.update()` and `.end()` functions you can set span parameters:
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| :-------- | :--- | :---------- |
| span_id | `str` | The span id to use for the span, a random one is generated by default. |
| name | `str` | The name of the span, automatically inferred from the function when using the `@langwatch.span()` decorator. |
| type | `"span" \| "rag" \| "llm" \| "chain" \| "tool" \| "agent" \| "guardrail"` | The type of the span, defaults to `span`, with `rag` and `llm` spans allowing for some extra parameters. |
| parent | `ContextSpan` | The parent span to use for the span, if not set, the current span in context is used as the parent. |
| capture_input | `bool` | Available only on the `@langwatch.span()` decorator, whether to capture the input of the function, defaults to `True`. |
| capture_output | `bool` | Available only on the `@langwatch.span()` decorator, whether to capture the output of the function, defaults to `True`. |
| input | `str \| list[ChatMessage] \| SpanInputOutput` | The span input, it can be either a string, or a list of OpenAI-compatible chat messages format dicts, or a `SpanInputOutput` object, which captures other generic types such as `{ "type": "json", "value": {...} }`. |
| output | `str \| list[ChatMessage] \| SpanInputOutput` | The span output, it can be either a string, or a list of OpenAI-compatible chat messages format dicts, or a `SpanInputOutput` object, which captures other generic types such as `{ "type": "json", "value": {...} }`. |
| error | `Exception` | The error that occurred during the function execution, if any. It is automatically captured with the `@langwatch.span()` decorator and context manager. |
| timestamps | `SpanTimestamps` | The timestamps of the span, tracked by default when using the `@langwatch.span()` decorator and context manager. |
| timestamps.started_at | `int` | The start time of the span in milliseconds, the current time is used by default when the span starts. |
| timestamps.first_token_at | `int` | The time when the first token was generated in milliseconds, automatically tracked for streaming LLMs when using framework integrations. |
| timestamps.finished_at | `int` | The time when the span finished in milliseconds, the current time is used by default when the span ends. |
| contexts | `list[str] \| list[RAGChunk]` | **RAG only:** The list of contexts retrieved by the RAG, manually captured to be used later as the context source for RAG evaluators. Check out the [Capturing a RAG Span](/integration/python/guide#capturing-a-rag-span) guide for more information. |
| model | `str` | **LLM only:** The model used for the LLM in the `"vendor/model"` format (e.g. `"openai/gpt-3.5-turbo"`), automatically captured when using framework integrations, otherwise important to manually set it for correct tokens and costs tracking. |
| params | `LLMSpanParams` | **LLM only:** The parameters used for the LLM, on which parameters were used by the LLM call, automatically captured when using framework integrations |
| params.temperature | `float` | **LLM only:** The temperature used for the LLM |
| params.stream | `bool` | **LLM only:** Whether the LLM is streaming or not |
| params.tools | `list[dict]` | **LLM only:** OpenAI-compatible tools list available to the LLM |
| params.tool_choice | `str` | **LLM only:** The OpenAI-compatible tool_choice setting for the LLM |
| metrics | `LLMSpanMetrics` | **LLM only:** The metrics of the LLM span, automatically captured when using framework integrations |
| metrics.prompt_tokens | `int` | **LLM only:** The number of prompt tokens used by the LLM |
| metrics.completion_tokens | `int` | **LLM only:** The number of completion tokens used by the LLM |
# FILE: ./integration/python/guide.mdx
title: Python Integration Guide
sidebarTitle: Guide
LangWatch library is the easiest way to integrate your Python application with LangWatch, the messages are synced on the background so it doesn't intercept or block your LLM calls.
#### Prerequisites
- Obtain your `LANGWATCH_API_KEY` from the [LangWatch dashboard](https://app.langwatch.com/).
#### Installation
pip install langwatch
#### Configuration
Ensure `LANGWATCH_API_KEY` is set:
### Environment variable
export LANGWATCH_API_KEY='your_api_key_here'
### Runtime
You can set `LANGWATCH_API_KEY` globally at runtime:
import langwatch
import os
langwatch.api_key = os.getenv("LANGWATCH_API_KEY")
Or on the specific trace being tracked:
import langwatch
import os
def main():
## Capturing Messages
- Each message triggering your LLM pipeline as a whole is captured with a [Trace](/concepts#traces).
- A [Trace](/concepts#traces) contains multiple [Spans](/concepts#spans), which are the steps inside your pipeline.
- A span can be an LLM call, a database query for a RAG retrieval, or a simple function transformation.
- Different types of [Spans](/concepts#spans) capture different parameters.
- [Spans](/concepts#spans) can be nested to capture the pipeline structure.
- [Traces](/concepts#traces) can be grouped together on LangWatch Dashboard by having the same [`thread_id`](/concepts#threads) in their metadata, making the individual messages become part of a conversation.
- It is also recommended to provide the [`user_id`](/concepts#user-id) metadata to track user analytics.
## Create a Trace
To capture traces and spans, start by adding the `@langwatch.trace()` decorator to the function that starts your LLM pipeline. Here it is represented by the `main()` function, but it can be your endpoint call or your class method that triggers the whole generation.
import langwatch
def main():
This is the main entry point for your trace, and all spans called from here will be collected automatically to LangWatch in the background.
On short-live environments like Lambdas or Serverless Functions, be sure to call
`langwatch.get_current_trace().send_spans()` before your trace function ends to wait for all pending requests to be sent before the runtime is destroyed.
## Capturing LLM Spans
LangWatch provides some utilities to automatically capture spans for popular LLM frameworks.
### OpenAI
For OpenAI, you can use the `autotrack_openai_calls()` function to automatically capture LLM spans for OpenAI calls for the current trace.
import langwatch
from openai import OpenAI
client = OpenAI()
def main():
That's enough to have your OpenAI calls collected and visible on LangWatch dashboard:

### Azure
For Azure OpenAI, you can use the `autotrack_openai_calls()` function to automatically capture LLM spans for Azure OpenAI calls for the current trace.
import langwatch
from openai import AzureOpenAI
client = AzureOpenAI()
def main():
That's enough to have your Azure OpenAI calls collected and visible on LangWatch dashboard:

### LiteLLM
You can use [LiteLLM](https://github.com/BerriAI/litellm) to call OpenAI, Anthropic, Gemini, Groq Llama 3 and over 100+ LLM models.
And for tracking it all with LangWatch, you can use the `autotrack_litellm_calls()` function to automatically capture LLM spans for LiteLLM calls for the current trace.
import langwatch
import litellm
def main():
response = litellm.completion(
Since we patch the `completion` method of the `litellm` module, you must use `litellm.completion()` instead of just `completion()` when calling your LLM, otherwise LangWatch will not be able to capture the spans.
That's enough to have your LiteLLM calls collected and visible on LangWatch dashboard:

### DSPy
[DSPy](https://github.com/stanfordnlp/dspy) is the LLM framework that automatically optimizes prompts, you can use LangWatch both for [visualizing](/dspy-visualization/quickstart) the
optimization process, and for tracking the calls during inference as this guide shows.
To track DSPy programs, you can use the `autotrack_dspy()` function to automatically capture DSPy modules forward pass, retrievers and LLM calls for the current trace.
import langwatch
import dspy
def main():
program = MyDspyProgram()
response = program(
That's enough to have your DSPy traces collected and visible on LangWatch dashboard:

### LangChain
For LangChain, you can automatically capture every step of your chain as a span by getting a LangChain callback for the current trace with `get_langchain_callback()`.
import langwatch
def main():
{"input": user_input},
# Add the LangWatch callback when invoking your chain
{"callbacks": [langwatch.get_current_trace().get_langchain_callback()]},
That's enough to have your LangChain calls collected and visible on LangWatch dashboard:

Check out for more python integration examples on the [examples folder on our GitHub repo](https://github.com/langwatch/langwatch/tree/main/python-sdk/examples).
## Adding metadata
You can add metadata to track the user_id and current conversation thread_id, this is highly recommended to unlock better conversation grouping and user analytics on LangWatch.
import langwatch
def main():
langwatch.get_current_trace().update(metadata={"user_id": "user_id", "thread_id": "thread_id"})
You can also add custom labels to your trace to help you better filter and group your traces, or even trigger specific evaluations and alerts.
import langwatch
def main():
langwatch.get_current_trace().update(metadata={"labels": ["production"]})
Check out the [reference](./reference#trace) to see all the available trace properties.
## Changing the Message Input and Output
By default, the main input and output of the trace displayed on LangWatch is captured from the arguments and return value of
the top-level decorated function and heuristics try to extract the human-readable message from it automatically.
However, sometimes more complex structures are used and the messages might not end up very human-readable on LangWatch, for example:

To make the messages really easy to read in the list and through the whole conversation, you can manually set what
should the input and output of the trace be, by calling `.update(input=...)` and `.update(output=...)` on the current trace:
import langwatch
def main(inputs):
# Update the input of the trace with the user message or any other human-readable text
# Then, before returning, update the output of the trace with final response
return response
This will make the messages on LangWatch look like this:

## Capturing a RAG span
RAG is a combination of a retrieval and a generation step, LangWatch provides a special span type for RAG that captures both steps separately which allows to capture the `contexts` being used by the LLM on your pipeline.
By capturing the `contexts`, you unlock various uses of it on LangWatch, like RAG evaluators such as Faitfhfulness and Context Relevancy, and analytics on which documents are being used the most.
### RAG Span
To capture a RAG span, you can use the `@langwatch.span(type="rag")` decorator, along with a call to `.update()` to add the `contexts` to the span:
def rag_retrieval():
# the documents you retrieved from your vector database
search_results = ["France is a country in Europe.", "Paris is the capital of France."]
# capture them on the span contexts before returning
return search_results
If you have document or chunk ids from the results, we recommend you can to capture them along with the id using `RAGChunk`, as this allows them to be grouped together and generate documents analytics on LangWatch dashboard:
from langwatch.types import RAGChunk
def rag_retrieval():
# the documents you retrieved from your vector database
search_results = [
"id": "doc-1",
"content": "France is a country in Europe.",
"id": "doc-2",
"content": "Paris is the capital of France.",
# capture then on the span contexts with RAGChunk before returning
for document in search_results
return search_results
Then you'll be able to see the captured contexts that will also be used later on for evaluatios on LangWatch dashboard:

### LangChain
When using LangChain, generally your RAG happens by calling a [`Retriever`](https://python.langchain.com/v0.1/docs/modules/data_connection/retrievers/).
We provide a utility `langwatch.langchain.capture_rag_from_retriever` to capture the documents found by the retriever and convert it into a LangWatch compatible format for tracking. For that you need to pass the retriever as first argument, and then a function to map each document to a `RAGChunk`, like in the example below:
import langwatch
from langwatch.types import RAGChunk
def main():
retriever = ...
retriever_tool = create_retriever_tool(
lambda document: RAGChunk(
"Search for information about LangWatch. For any questions about LangWatch, use this tool if you didn't already",
tools = [retriever_tool]
model = ChatOpenAI(streaming=True)
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
"You are a helpful assistant that only reply in short tweet-like responses, using lots of emojis and use tools only once.\n\n{agent_scratchpad}",
("human", "{question}"),
agent = create_tool_calling_agent(model, tools, prompt)
executor = AgentExecutor(agent=agent, tools=tools, verbose=True)
return executor.invoke(user_input, config=RunnableConfig(
Alternatively, if you don't use retrievers, but still want to capture the context for example from a tool call that you do, we also provide a utility `langwatch.langchain.capture_rag_from_tool` to capture RAG contexts around a tool. For that you need to pass the tool as first argument, and then a function to map the tool's output to `RAGChunk`s, like in the example below:
import langwatch
from langwatch.types import RAGChunk
def main():
my_custom_tool = ...
wrapped_tool = langwatch.langchain.capture_rag_from_tool(
my_custom_tool, lambda response: [
document_id=response["id"], # optional
chunk_id=response["chunk_id"], # optional
tools = [wrapped_tool] # use the new wrapped tool in your agent instead of the original one
model = ChatOpenAI(streaming=True)
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
"You are a helpful assistant that only reply in short tweet-like responses, using lots of emojis and use tools only once.\n\n{agent_scratchpad}",
("human", "{question}"),
agent = create_tool_calling_agent(model, tools, prompt)
executor = AgentExecutor(agent=agent, tools=tools, verbose=True)
return executor.invoke(user_input, config=RunnableConfig(
Then you'll be able to see the captured contexts that will also be used later on for evaluatios on LangWatch dashboard:

## Capturing other spans
To be able to inspect and debug each step of your pipeline along with the LLM calls, you can use the `@langwatch.span()` decorator. You can pass in different `type`s to categorize your spans.
import langwatch
def database_query():
def weather_forecast(city: str):
def rag_retrieval():
# You can manually track llm calls too if the automatic capture is not enough for your use case
def llm_call():
def main():
The input and output of the decorated function are automatically captured in the span, to disable that, you can set `capture_input` and `capture_output` to `False`:
@langwatch.span(capture_input=False, capture_output=False)
def database_query():
You can also modify the current spans attributes, either on the decorator by using `.update()` on the current span:
@langwatch.span(type="llm", name="custom_name")
def llm_call():
Check out the [reference](./reference#span) to see all the available span properties.
## Capturing custom evaluation results
[LangWatch Evaluators](/evaluations/overview) can run automatically on your traces, but if you have an in-house custom evaluator, you can also capture the evaluation
results of your custom evaluator on the current trace or span by using the `.add_evaluation` method:
import langwatch
def evaluation_step():
... # your custom evaluation logic
name="custom evaluation", # required
details="explanation of the evaluation results",
The evaluation `name` is required and must be a string. The other fields are optional, but at least one of `passed`, `score` or `label` must be provided.
## Synchronizing your message IDs with LangWatch traces
If you store the messages in a database on your side as well, you set the `trace_id` of the current trace to the same one of the message on your side, this way your system will be in sync with LangWatch traces, making it easier to investigate later on.
def main():
# FILE: ./integration/typescript/guide.mdx
title: TypeScript Integration Guide
sidebarTitle: Guide
LangWatch library is the easiest way to integrate your TypeScript application with LangWatch, the messages are synced on the background so it doesn't intercept or block your LLM calls.
#### Prerequisites
- Obtain your `LANGWATCH_API_KEY` from the [LangWatch dashboard](https://app.langwatch.com/).
#### Installation
npm install langwatch
#### Configuration
Ensure `LANGWATCH_API_KEY` is set:
### Environment variable
```bash .env
### Client parameters
import { LangWatch } from 'langwatch';
const langwatch = new LangWatch({
apiKey: 'your_api_key_here',
## Basic Concepts
- Each message triggering your LLM pipeline as a whole is captured with a [Trace](/concepts#traces).
- A [Trace](/concepts#traces) contains multiple [Spans](/concepts#spans), which are the steps inside your pipeline.
- A span can be an LLM call, a database query for a RAG retrieval, or a simple function transformation.
- Different types of [Spans](/concepts#spans) capture different parameters.
- [Spans](/concepts#spans) can be nested to capture the pipeline structure.
- [Traces](/concepts#traces) can be grouped together on LangWatch Dashboard by having the same [`thread_id`](/concepts#threads) in their metadata, making the individual messages become part of a conversation.
- It is also recommended to provide the [`user_id`](/concepts#user-id) metadata to track user analytics.
## Integration
### Vercel AI SDK
The Vercel AI SDK supports tracing via Next.js OpenTelemetry integration. By using the `LangWatchExporter`, you can automatically collect those traces to LangWatch.
First, you need to install the necessary dependencies:
npm install @vercel/otel langwatch @opentelemetry/api-logs @opentelemetry/instrumentation @opentelemetry/sdk-logs
Then, set up the OpenTelemetry for your application, follow one of the tabs below depending whether you are using AI SDK with Next.js or on Node.js:
### Next.js
You need to enable the `instrumentationHook` in your `next.config.js` file if you haven't already:
/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
experimental: {
instrumentationHook: true,
module.exports = nextConfig;
Next, you need to create a file named `instrumentation.ts` (or `.js`) in the __root directory__ of the project (or inside `src` folder if using one), with `LangWatchExporter` as the traceExporter:
import { registerOTel } from '@vercel/otel'
import { LangWatchExporter } from 'langwatch'
export function register() {
serviceName: 'next-app',
traceExporter: new LangWatchExporter({
apiKey: process.env.LANGWATCH_API_KEY
(Read more about Next.js OpenTelemetry configuration [on the official guide](https://nextjs.org/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/open-telemetry#manual-opentelemetry-configuration))
Finally, enable `experimental_telemetry` tracking on the AI SDK calls you want to trace:
const result = await generateText({
model: openai('gpt-4o-mini'),
prompt: 'Explain why a chicken would make a terrible astronaut, be creative and humorous about it.',
experimental_telemetry: {
isEnabled: true,
// optional metadata
metadata: {
userId: "myuser-123",
threadId: "mythread-123",
### Node.js
For Node.js, start by following the official OpenTelemetry guide:
- [OpenTelemetry Node.js Getting Started](https://opentelemetry.io/docs/languages/js/getting-started/nodejs/)
Once you have set up OpenTelemetry, you can use the `LangWatchExporter` to automatically send your traces to LangWatch:
import { LangWatchExporter } from 'langwatch'
const sdk = new NodeSDK({
traceExporter: new LangWatchExporter({
apiKey: process.env.LANGWATCH_API_KEY
// ...
That's it! Your messages will now be visible on LangWatch:

## Example Project
You can find a full example project with a more complex pipeline and Vercel AI SDK and LangWatch integration [on our GitHub](https://github.com/langwatch/langwatch/blob/main/typescript-sdk/example/lib/chat/vercel-ai.tsx).
## Manual Integration
The docs from here below are for manual integration, in case you are not using the Vercel AI SDK OpenTelemetry integration,
you can manually start a trace to capture your messages:
import { LangWatch } from 'langwatch';
const langwatch = new LangWatch();
const trace = langwatch.getTrace({
metadata: { threadId: "mythread-123", userId: "myuser-123" },
Then, you can start an LLM span inside the trace with the input about to be sent to the LLM.
import { convertFromVercelAIMessages } from 'langwatch'
const span = trace.startLLMSpan({
name: "llm",
model: model,
input: {
type: "chat_messages",
value: convertFromVercelAIMessages(messages)
This will capture the LLM input and register the time the call started. Once the LLM call is done, end the span to get the finish timestamp to be registered, and capture the output and the token metrics, which will be used for cost calculation, e.g.:
output: {
type: "chat_messages",
value: convertFromVercelAIMessages(output), // assuming output is Message[]
metrics: {
promptTokens: chatCompletion.usage?.prompt_tokens,
completionTokens: chatCompletion.usage?.completion_tokens,
### OpenAI
Start by initializing LangWatch client and creating a new trace to capture your messages:
import { LangWatch } from 'langwatch';
const langwatch = new LangWatch();
const trace = langwatch.getTrace({
metadata: { threadId: "mythread-123", userId: "myuser-123" },
Then to capture your LLM calls, you can start an LLM span inside the trace with the input about to be sent to the LLM.
First, define the model and the messages you are going to use for your LLM call separately, so you can capture them:
import { OpenAI } from "openai";
// Model to be used and messages that will be sent to the LLM
const model = "gpt-4o"
const messages : OpenAI.Chat.ChatCompletionMessageParam[] = [
{ role: "system", content: "You are a helpful assistant." },
role: "user",
content: "Write a tweet-size vegetarian lasagna recipe for 4 people.",
Then, start the LLM span from the trace, giving it the model and input messages:
const span = trace.startLLMSpan({
name: "llm",
model: model,
input: {
type: "chat_messages",
value: messages
This will capture the LLM input and register the time the call started. Now, continue with the LLM call normally, using the same parameters:
const openai = new OpenAI();
const chatCompletion = await openai.chat.completions.create({
messages: messages,
model: model,
Finally, after the OpenAI call is done, end the span to get the finish timestamp to be registered, and capture the output and the token metrics, which will be used for cost calculation:
output: {
type: "chat_messages",
value: [chatCompletion.choices[0]!.message],
metrics: {
promptTokens: chatCompletion.usage?.prompt_tokens,
completionTokens: chatCompletion.usage?.completion_tokens,
### Azure
Start by initializing LangWatch client and creating a new trace to capture your messages:
import { LangWatch } from 'langwatch';
const langwatch = new LangWatch();
const trace = langwatch.getTrace({
metadata: { threadId: "mythread-123", userId: "myuser-123" },
Then to capture your LLM calls, you can start an LLM span inside the trace with the input about to be sent to the LLM.
First, define the model and the messages you are going to use for your LLM call separately, so you can capture them:
import { AzureOpenAI } from "openai";
// Model to be used and messages that will be sent to the LLM
const model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09"
const messages : OpenAI.Chat.ChatCompletionMessageParam[] = [
{ role: "system", content: "You are a helpful assistant." },
role: "user",
content: "Write a tweet-size vegetarian lasagna recipe for 4 people.",
Then, start the LLM span from the trace, giving it the model and input messages:
const span = trace.startLLMSpan({
name: "llm",
model: model,
input: {
type: "chat_messages",
value: messages
This will capture the LLM input and register the time the call started. Now, continue with the LLM call normally, using the same parameters:
const openai = new AzureOpenAI({
apiKey: process.env.AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY,
apiVersion: "2024-02-01",
endpoint: process.env.AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT,
const chatCompletion = await openai.chat.completions.create({
messages: messages,
model: model,
Finally, after the OpenAI call is done, end the span to get the finish timestamp to be registered, and capture the output and the token metrics, which will be used for cost calculation:
output: {
type: "chat_messages",
value: [chatCompletion.choices[0]!.message],
metrics: {
promptTokens: chatCompletion.usage?.prompt_tokens,
completionTokens: chatCompletion.usage?.completion_tokens,
### LangChain.js
Start by initializing LangWatch client and creating a new trace to capture your chain:
import { LangWatch } from 'langwatch';
const langwatch = new LangWatch();
const trace = langwatch.getTrace({
metadata: { threadId: "mythread-123", userId: "myuser-123" },
Then, to capture your LLM calls and all other chain steps, LangWatch provides a callback hook for LangChain.js that automatically tracks everything for you.
First, define your chain as you would normally do:
import { StringOutputParser } from '@langchain/core/output_parsers'
import { ChatPromptTemplate } from '@langchain/core/prompts'
import { ChatOpenAI } from '@langchain/openai'
const prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.fromMessages([
['system', 'Translate the following from English into Italian'],
['human', '{input}']
const model = new ChatOpenAI({ model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo' })
const outputParser = new StringOutputParser()
const chain = prompt.pipe(model).pipe(outputParser)
Now, when calling your chain either with `invoke` or `stream`, pass in `trace.getLangChainCallback()` as one of the callbacks:
const stream = await chain.stream(
{ input: message },
{ callbacks: [trace.getLangChainCallback()] }
That's it! The full trace with all spans for each chain step will be sent automatically to LangWatch in the background on periodic intervals. After capturing your first LLM Span, go to [LangWatch Dashboard](https://app.langwatch.com), your message should be there!
On short-live environments like Lambdas or Serverless Functions, be sure to call
`await trace.sendSpans();` to wait for all pending requests to be sent before the runtime is destroyed.
## Capture a RAG Span
Appart from LLM spans, another very used type of span is the RAG span. This is used to capture the retrieved contexts from a RAG that will be used by the LLM, and enables a whole new set of RAG-based features evaluations for RAG quality on LangWatch.
To capture a RAG, you can simply start a RAG span inside the trace, giving it the input query being used:
const ragSpan = trace.startRAGSpan({
name: "my-vectordb-retrieval", // optional
input: { type: "text", value: "search query" },
// proceed to do the retrieval normally
Then, after doing the retrieval, you can end the RAG span with the contexts that were retrieved and will be used by the LLM:
contexts: [
documentId: "doc1",
content: "document chunk 1",
documentId: "doc2",
content: "document chunk 2",
On LangChain.js, RAG spans are captured automatically by the LangWatch callback when using LangChain Retrievers, with `source` as the documentId.
## Capture an arbritary Span
You can also use generic spans to capture any type of operation, its inputs and outputs, for example for a function call:
// before the function starts
const span = trace.startSpan({
name: "weather_function",
input: {
type: "json",
value: {
city: "Tokyo",
// ...after the function ends
output: {
type: "json",
value: {
weather: "sunny",
You can also nest spans one inside the other, capturing your pipeline structure, for example:
const span = trace.startSpan({
name: "pipeline",
const nestedSpan = span.startSpan({
name: "nested_pipeline",
Both LLM and RAG spans can also be nested like any arbritary span.
## Capturing Exceptions
To capture also when your code throws an exception, you can simply wrap your code around a try/catch, and update or end the span with the exception:
try {
throw new Error("unexpected error");
} catch (error) {
error: error,
## Capturing custom evaluation results
[LangWatch Evaluators](/evaluations/overview) can run automatically on your traces, but if you have an in-house custom evaluator, you can also capture the evaluation
results of your custom evaluator on the current trace or span by using the `.addEvaluation` method:
import { type LangWatchTrace } from "langwatch";
async function llmStep({ message, trace }: { message: string, trace: LangWatchTrace }): Promise {
const span = trace.startLLMSpan({ name: "llmStep" });
// ... your existing code
name: "custom evaluation",
passed: true,
score: 0.5,
label: "category_detected",
details: "explanation of the evaluation results",
The evaluation `name` is required and must be a string. The other fields are optional, but at least one of `passed`, `score` or `label` must be provided.
# FILE: ./integration/rest-api.mdx
title: REST API Integration
If your preferred programming language or platform is not directly supported by the existing LangWatch libraries, you can use the REST API with `curl` to send trace data. This guide will walk you through how to integrate LangWatch with any system that allows HTTP requests.
- Ensure you have `curl` installed on your system.
Set the `LANGWATCH_API_KEY` environment variable in your environment:
export LANGWATCH_API_KEY='your_api_key_here'
You will need to prepare your span data in accordance with the Span type definitions provided by LangWatch. Below is an example of how to send span data using curl:
1. Prepare your JSON data. Make sure it's properly formatted as expected by LangWatch.
2. Use the curl command to send your trace data. Here is a basic template:
# Set your API key and endpoint URL
# Use curl to send the POST request, e.g.:
curl -X POST "$LANGWATCH_ENDPOINT/api/collector" \
-H "X-Auth-Token: $LANGWATCH_API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d @- <
On LangChain.js, RAG spans are captured automatically by the LangWatch callback when using LangChain Retrievers, with `source` as the documentId.
To track the RAG context when using the REST API, add a new span of type `rag`, you may also refer the LLM generation as the child of it:
curl -X POST "https://app.langwatch.ai/api/collector" \\
-H "X-Auth-Token: $API_KEY" \\
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \\
-d @- <
In the below screenshot you will see where you can select the dataset you want to evaluate on as well as selecting which evaluations you would like to run. Each tab has different evaluation you can choose from.
In the screenshot below, you'll find a Python code snippet ready for execution to perform your batch processing. The parameters passed into the `BatchEvaluation` include your chosen dataset and an array of selected evaluations to run against it.
We've streamlined the process by setting up pandas for you, enabling seamless evaluation of datasets directly on the results object. This means you can leverage the power of pandas' data manipulation and analysis capabilities effortlessly within your evaluation workflow. With pandas at your disposal, you can efficiently explore, analyze, and manipulate your data to derive valuable insights without the need for additional setup or configuration.
### Python snippet
When executing the snippet, you'll encounter a callback function at your disposal. This function contains the original entry data, allowing you to run it against your own Large Language Model (LLM). You can utilize this response to compare results within your evaluation process.
Ensure that you return the `output` as some evaluations may require it. As you create your code snippet in the evaluations tab, you'll notice indications of which evaluations necessitate particular information. Utilize this guidance as a reference to kickstart your workflow effectively.
# FILE: ./features/triggers.mdx
title: Triggers
## Create triggers based on LangWatch filters
LangWatch offers you the possibility to create triggers based on your selected filters. You can use these triggers to send notifications to either Slack or selected team email adresses.
#### Usage
To create a trigger in the LangWatch dashboard, follow these steps:
- Click the filter button located at the top right of the LangWatch dashboard.
- After creating a filter, a trigger button will appear.
- Click the trigger button to open a popout drawer.
- In the drawer, you can configure your trigger with the desired settings.
**Trigger actions**
Once the trigger is created, you will receive an alert whenever a message meets the criteria of the trigger. These trigger checks are run on the minute but not instantaneously, as the data needs time to be processed. You can find the created triggers under the Settings section, where you can deactivate or delete a trigger to stop receiving notifications.
**Trigger settings**
# FILE: ./features/embedded-analytics.mdx
title: Embedded Analytics
## Export Analytics with REST Endpoint
LangWatch offers you the possibility to build and integrate LangWatch graph's on your own systems and applications, to display it to your customers in another interface.
On LangWatch dashboard, you can use our powerful custom chart builder tool, to plot any data collected and generated by LangWatch, and customize the way you want to display it. You can then use our REST API to fetch the graph data.
You will need to obtain your JSON payload from the custom graph section in our application. You can find this on the Analytics page > Custom Reports > Add chart.
1. Pick the custom graph you want to get the analytics for.
2. Prepare your JSON data. Make sure it's is the same format that is showing in the LangWatch application.
3. Use the `curl` command to get you analytics data. Here is a basic template:
# Set your API key and endpoint URL
# Use curl to send the POST request, e.g.:
curl -X POST "$ENDPOINT" \
-H "X-Auth-Token: $API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d @- <
Within this modal, you'll find the JSON payload required for the precise custom analytics
data. Simply copy this payload and paste it into the body of your REST POST request.
Now you're fully prepared to access your customized analytics and seamlessly integrate
them into your specific use cases.
If you encounter any hurdles or have questions, our support team is eager to assist you.
# FILE: ./features/annotations.mdx
title: Annotations
## Create annotations on messages
With annotations, you can add additional information to messages. This can be useful to comment on or add any other information that you want to add to a message for further analysis.
We have also implemented the option to add a scoring system for each annotation, more information about this can be found in the [Annotation Scoring](/features/annotations#annotation-scoring) section
If you want to add an annotation to a queue, you can do so by clicking on the add to queue button to send the messages to the queue for later analysis. You can create queues and add members to them on the the main annotations page. More information about this can be found in the [Annotation Queues](/features/annotations#annotation-queues) section.
#### Usage
To create an annotation, follow these steps:
1) Click the message you want to annotate on and a [Trace](/concepts#traces) details drawer will open.
2) On the top right, click the annotation button.
3) Here you will be able to add a comment, a link or any other information that you want to add to the message.
Once you have created an annotation, you will see it next to to the message.
# Annotation Scoring
We have developed a customized scoring system for each annotation. To get started, you will need to create your scores on the settings page.
There are two types of score data you can choose from:
- **Checkbox**: To add multiple selectable options.
- **Multiple Choice**: To add a single selectable option.
After you have created your scores, you can activate or deactivate them on the settings page.
Once your scores are activated, you will see them in the annotations tab. For each annotation you create, the score options will be available, allowing you to add more detailed information to your annotations.
When annotating a message, you will see the score options below the comment input. Once you have added a score, you will be asked for an optional reason for the score.
Thats it! You can now annotate messages and add your custom score metrics to them.
# Annotation Queues
To get started with annotation queues, follow these steps:
1) Go to the annotations page.
2) Click the plus button to create a new queue.
3) Add a name for your queue, description, members and click on the "Save" button.
Once you have created your queue, you will be able to select this when creating an annotation and send the messages to the queue or directly to a project member for later analysis.
Once you add an item to the queue, you can view it in the annotations section, whether it's in a queue or sent directly to you.
When clicking on a queue item, you will be directed to the message where you can add an annotation. Once happy with your annotation, you can click on the "Done" button and move on to the next item.
Once you’ve completed the final item in the queue, you’ll see that all tasks are done. That’s it! Happy annotating!
# FILE: ./features/datasets.mdx
title: Datasets
## Create datasets
LangWatch offers you the possibility to create datasets on your LLM messages. These datasets can be used to train your own models or to do further analysis on the data.
We offer the possibility to create datasets with the following data types;
- **Input**: The message input string.
- **Expected Output**: The gold-standard expected output for the given input,
useful for output-comparison metrics
- **Contexts**: The contexts provided if your are doing RAG, useful
for RAG-metric evaluations
- **[Spans](/concepts#spans)**: A JSON with all the spans contained in the message
trace, that is, all the steps in your pipeline, for
more complex evaluations
- **LLM Input**: The input the LLM received, in LLM chat history json
- **Expected LLM Output**: The gold-standard expected output for the given input,
in LLM chat history json format.
- **Annotation Scores**: The scores of the annotations, useful for annotation-comparison metrics
- **Evaluation Metrics**: The evaluation metrics for the dataset, useful for evaluation-comparison metrics
#### Usage
To create a dataset, simply go to the datasets page and click the "Create New Dataset" button. You will be able to select the type of dataset you want as well as the columns you want to include.
There are a couple ways to add data to a dataset;
- **Manually**: You can add data on a per message basis.
- **Group selection**: You can fill the dataset by selecting a group of messages.
- **CSV Upload**: You can fill the dataset by uploading a CSV file.
### Manually
To add data manually, click the "Add to Dataset" button on the messages page after selecting a message. You will then be able to choose the dataset type and preview the data that will be added.
### Group selection
To add data by selecting a group, simply click the "Add to Dataset" button after choosing the desired messages in the table view. You'll then be able to select the type of dataset you wish to add to and preview the data that will be included.
### CSV Upload
To add data by CSV upload, go to your datasets page and select the dataset you want to update. Click the "Upload CSV" button and upload your CSV file. You can then map the columns from your CSV file to the appropriate fields in the dataset based on the dataset type.
# FILE: ./evaluations/overview.mdx
title: Evaluations
LangWatch offers an extensive library of evaluators to help you evaluate the quality and guarantee the safety of your LLM apps.
Those are very easy to set up on [LangWatch dashboard](https://app.langwatch.com/).

## Evaluators List
| Evaluator | Description |
| -----------------------------------------|----------------------------|
| [Azure Jailbreak Detection](/langevals/api-reference/endpoint/azure-jailbreak-detection) | This evaluator checks for jailbreak-attempt in the input using Azure's Content Safety API. |
| [Azure Content Safety](/langevals/api-reference/endpoint/content-safety) | This evaluator detects potentially unsafe content in text, including hate speech, self-harm, sexual content, and violence. It allows customization of the severity threshold and the specific categories to check. |
| [Google Cloud DLP PII Detection](/langevals/api-reference/endpoint/google-cloud-dlp-pii-detection) | Google DLP PII detects personally identifiable information in text, including phone numbers, email addresses, and social security numbers. It allows customization of the detection threshold and the specific types of PII to check. |
| [Llama Guard](/langevals/api-reference/endpoint/llama-guard) | This evaluator is a special version of Llama trained strictly for acting as a guardrail, following customizable guidelines. It can work both as a safety evaluator and as policy enforcement. |
| [OpenAI Moderation](/langevals/api-reference/endpoint/openai-moderation) | This evaluator uses OpenAI's moderation API to detect potentially harmful content in text, including harassment, hate speech, self-harm, sexual content, and violence. |
| Evaluator | Description |
| -----------------------------------------|----------------------------|
| [Competitor LLM check](/langevals/api-reference/endpoint/competitor-detection-llm) | This evaluator use an LLM-as-judge to check if the conversation is related to competitors, without having to name them explicitly |
| [Off Topic Evaluator](/langevals/api-reference/endpoint/off-topic-detection) | This evaluator checks if the user message is concerning one of the allowed topics of the chatbot |
| [Competitor Blocklist](/langevals/api-reference/endpoint/competitor-blocklist) | This evaluator checks if any of the specified competitors was mentioned |
| Product Sentiment Polarity | For messages about products, this evaluator checks for the nuanced sentiment direction of the LLM output, either very positive, subtly positive, subtly negative, or very negative. |
| Evaluator | Description |
| -----------------------------------------|----------------------------|
| [Lingua Language Detection](/langevals/api-reference/endpoint/lingua-language-detection) | This evaluator detects the language of the input and output text to check for example if the generated answer is in the same language as the prompt, or if it's in a specific expected language. |
| Query Resolution | This evaluator checks if all the user queries in the conversation were resolved. Useful to detect when the bot doesn't know how to answer or can't help the user. |
| [Ragas Context Recall](/langevals/api-reference/endpoint/ragas-context-recall) | This evaluator measures the extent to which the retrieved context aligns with the annotated answer, treated as the ground truth. Higher values indicate better performance. |
| [Ragas Faithfulness](/langevals/api-reference/endpoint/ragas-faithfulness) | This evaluator assesses the extent to which the generated answer is consistent with the provided context. Higher scores indicate better faithfulness to the context. |
| [Ragas Context Utilization](/langevals/api-reference/endpoint/ragas-context-utilization) | This metric evaluates whether all of the output relevant items present in the contexts are ranked higher or not. Higher scores indicate better utilization. |
| [Ragas Context Relevancy](/langevals/api-reference/endpoint/ragas-context-relevancy) | This metric gauges the relevancy of the retrieved context, calculated based on both the question and contexts. The values fall within the range of (0, 1), with higher values indicating better relevancy. |
| [Ragas Context Precision](/langevals/api-reference/endpoint/ragas-context-precision) | This metric evaluates whether all of the ground-truth relevant items present in the contexts are ranked higher or not. Higher scores indicate better precision. |
| [Ragas Answer Relevancy](/langevals/api-reference/endpoint/ragas-answer-relevancy) | This evaluator focuses on assessing how pertinent the generated answer is to the given prompt. Higher scores indicate better relevancy. |
| Evaluator | Description |
| -----------------------------------------|----------------------------|
| [Semantic Similarity Evaluator](/langevals/api-reference/endpoint/llm-similarity-evaluator) | Allows you to check for semantic similarity or dissimilarity between input and output and a target value, so you can avoid sentences that you don't want to be present without having to match on the exact text. |
| [Custom Basic Evaluator](/langevals/api-reference/endpoint/llm-basic-evaluator) | Allows you to check for simple text matches or regex evaluation. |
| [Custom LLM Boolean Evaluator](/langevals/api-reference/endpoint/llm-boolean-evaluator) | Use an LLM as a judge with a custom prompt to do a true/false boolean evaluation of the message. |
| [Custom LLM Score Evaluator](/langevals/api-reference/endpoint/llm-score-evaluator) | Use an LLM as a judge with custom prompt to do a numeric score evaluation of the message. |
## Custom Evaluator Integration
If you have a custom evaluator built in-house, you can follow the guide below to integrate.
# FILE: ./evaluations/custom-evaluator-integration.mdx
title: Custom Evaluator Integration
If you have a custom evaluator built in-house which run on your own code, either during the LLM pipeline or after, you can still capture the evaluation results
and connect it back to the trace to visualize it together with the other LangWatch evaluators.
### Python
You can capture the evaluation results of your custom evaluator on the current trace or span by using the `.add_evaluation` method:
import langwatch
def evaluation_step():
... # your custom evaluation logic
name="custom evaluation", # required
details="explanation of the evaluation results",
The evaluation `name` is required and must be a string. The other fields are optional, but at least one of `passed`, `score` or `label` must be provided.
### TypeScript
You can capture the evaluation results of your custom evaluator on the current trace or span by using the `.addEvaluation` method:
import { type LangWatchTrace } from "langwatch";
async function llmStep({ message, trace }: { message: string, trace: LangWatchTrace }): Promise {
const span = trace.startLLMSpan({ name: "llmStep" });
// ... your existing code
name: "custom evaluation",
passed: true,
score: 0.5,
label: "category_detected",
details: "explanation of the evaluation results",
The evaluation `name` is required and must be a string. The other fields are optional, but at least one of `passed`, `score` or `label` must be provided.
## REST API Specification
### Endpoint
`POST /api/collector`
### Headers
- `X-Auth-Token`: Your LangWatch API key.
### Request Body
"trace_id": "id of the message the evaluation was run on",
"evaluations": [{
"evaluation_id": "evaluation-id-123", // optional unique id for identifying the evaluation, if not provided, a random id will be generated
"name": "custom evaluation", // required
"passed": true, // optional
"score": 0.5, // optional
"label": "category_detected", // optional
"details": "explanation of the evaluation results", // optional
"error": { // optional to capture error details in case evaluation had an error
"message": "error message",
"stacktrace": [],
"timestamps": { // optional
"created_at": "1723411698506", // unix timestamp in milliseconds
"updated_at": "1723411698506" // unix timestamp in milliseconds
# FILE: ./guardrails/overview.mdx
title: Overview
Learn how you can protect your LLM application from costly mistakes by setting up guardrails.
# FILE: ./guardrails/setting-up-guardrails.mdx
title: Setting Up Guardrails
Guardrails are protections you can add around your LLM calls, either before calling the LLM, for example to prevent jailbreaking; after calling an LLM, for example to verify if the generated output does not contain toxic language or leaking PII; or to steer the LLM in a different direction, for example when detecting a user is going off-topic or talking about competition, in which you might want to throw them in a different flow.
Setting up Guardrails is quite easy, first, go to the Evaluation and Guardrails area on your [LangWatch dashboard](https://app.langwatch.ai), press + Add, and look for evaluators with the shield icon, those evaluators are the ones that support acting as Guardrails:
Then, change the Execution Mode to "As a Guardrail", on the page itself, you will see the instructions on how to integrate the guardrail to your code, after following the instructions, don't forget to click "Save" to create the Guardrail before trying it out.
Back to the Guardrail setup, you can also try it out on the messages already on LangWatch, to verify if the Guardrail is working well, of it some adjustments are needed, using the Try it out section:
You are now ready to keep your LLM protected and steer the conversation in the right direction with LangWatch Guardrails! Follow the next guides for examples on how to use Guardrails for handling different situations, and more advanced use cases.
## What's next?
- (In progress) Using guardrails to prevent bad inputs from the LLM
- (In progress) Using guardrails to prevent bad outputs from the LLM to the user
- (In progress) Steering the conversation with another LLM call from the guardrail
- (In progress) Handling multiple guardrail calls in parallel
- (In progress) Speculative execution of the LLM in parallel to the guardrail call